From our stylists


When I was pregnant, everyone kept telling me how fast it goes by. And when my son was born everyone kept saying the same thing. Even though I heard it a million times, I never understood it until my first son turned one and I was left standing there wondering where the time went and how in the world could I ever slow it down?

Every time I filled out a new chapter in his baby book, I thought, darn you time. Why do you have to move so quickly and why does my baby have to grow up? It was all so unfair. At some point I realized that I just had to accept the fact that my tiny newborn baby wasn’t a newborn anymore and every day he would grow a little bigger.

How to cherish those moments

The fact of the matter is, all children grow up, no matter how much we don’t want them to. The key is to cherish every moment.

When your child is napping, hold them once in a while. Hold their hands, cuddle them, and stare at those beautiful chubby cheeks as long as you can. Hug and kiss your child as much as you can because when they’re older, you’re not going to get those hugs and kisses near as much as you want to. Tell your children you love them. Spend less time on your phones and computers and more time playing with your little ones. The next time your child has a meltdown or is screaming for you when you’re trying to get something done, remember that pretty soon your house will be quiet, your children will be grown, and you will be longing for those screams. Put things into perspective, live in the moment, and cherish every minute. Your chidlren are only little once, and you can never go back.

How do you cherish those special moments?

Keys in Corby Tindersticks


Dinosaur romper Corby Tindersticks

Photo’s taken by the Parsian photographer Wesley Marlissa.

Keys is wearing a dinosaur romper from the British brand Corby Tindersticks. They aim to create fun design and illustration for kids and grown ups. Driven by the need for a creative outlet, they lovingly design products for a refreshing point of difference to the high street. Oh and they try to look after the environment and source ethically made garments too!