Kids Fashion


I’m sure I’ve mentioned before my belief that every house with little girls in it also has an unmentionable number of lost clips and hair accessories. I think they rival lone socks as the item in a house most likely to get up and wander off on their own.

The flipside is that hair accessories are so much fun to buy! I love that something so absolutely adorable is also so necessary, so there’s no reason not to indulge.

Teddy’s is a reasonable new brand on the Dutch kids’ scene, and already making a splash in independent stores and pop-up events all over the country. What’s more, they also stock a range of children’s jewellery – necklaces and bracelets – which are sweet and age-appropriate. Flowers, fruit and little hearts are in abundance, as well as plenty of bright, fun colours.

Some are knitted, some are covered buttons, some are elastic baubles, some are clips – all of them are gorgeous and sure to be loved by little girls (which gives you a greater chance of them being cared for and not lost!). Better yet, they’re made in Holland by none other than Teddy’s mum, Shira.

Click here to shop Teddy’s.

Photo credits: Evelyne Photography –