

Working from home is the ultimate luxury in a corporate world. However, if you happen to be a writer, designer, artist  in addition to work space you need time and acres of it. However if you happen to have children then chances are you can kiss goodbye to those all so important stream of consciousness thoughts, at least in your own home.

If you’ve already tried locking doors and stuffing in earplugs, then don’t despair seek out a co-working space instead. The type that comes with a child-minding service. Yep, they do actually exist.

My Dutch friend Lisa Crawfurd recently started her own company called Motherdock. Motherdock provides shared workspaces with childcare facilities and other services like workshops, babysitting services, baby/toddler buffets and more. At the moment they have two locations, STROOP on the Mathenesserweg and RAAF in the Maashaven (both in Rotterdam, Holland). Oppas Madelief takes care of the childcare.

The focus here is on the peace of mind that comes with knowing your children are near yet just far enough away to allow you the peace and quiet to dream and deliberate, or even if you just need a few spare hours to sort through the receipts in your wallet or do your taxes, you can do that too.

Find out more about Motherdock on their website here or visit their Facebook Page.