Cool gift idea for cool children in town… Monkies Shoes! You and the children are gonna love drawing on those shoes. Get inspired, get ready to play and create your own design. Monkies, the company behind the fun idea allows kids imagination and personnel expression to flow.
How does it work? The glossy white retro high top sneakers come in a kit with a set of special markers and eraser/sponge. The shoes are like a white canvas to design your own artwork or get inspired by the little booklet provided. The beauty of the product is that you can erase and start again… If you let it dry out a bit, it will be waterproof and stay put until you give it a good soapy wash with the special eraser. Ready to start all over and to create endless design.
It’s a brilliant idea, a good combination of creativity, fashion and playtime. Dayne and I got creative in the park ‘Des grande explorateurs‘ last weekend and this is what we came up with. Like?
The Monkies shoes are available at MiyoKids
Lisa combined the shoes with Dayne’s black and white striped ‘Little bandit pants‘ from the brand Lucky No.7. Soon more about this new brand for boys only. Stay tuned.
Photographs taken by the Parisian photographer Wesley Marlissa