Children today seem to spend most of their time in the man-made rather than the natural world. They go to school by bus or car, and then spend hours in classrooms. At home, they spend yet more hours indoors, watching television, and rarely come into contact with mud, leaves or grass all day.
In our opinion being indoors is not always good for them. So let’s put on our shoes, grab the dog, breathe in the fresh air and explore the garden! A new play date with Mira-Linn, Michela, Fabiana and Emilia captured by Emily Kornya.
Mira-Linn is wearing Zara Kids.
Fabiana is wearing a jumper by I Love Gorgeous and leggings are by 3 Pommes. Michela is wearing a dress by I Love Gorgeous and her tights are by Mole Little Norway.
Emilia is wearing a dress by Mayoral and vest by Zara Kids.
Photo’s taken by Emily Kornya