

Kiko+ is a Japanese brand that sells unique wooden toys and games for children. And WOW! Aren’t these toys superb?! 

The Japanese designer Kaz Shiomi is the founder of Kiko+. All her children’s toys designs are made from wood and their charm lies in their simplicity. The brand has an authentic and artistic quality: reasonable prices, lively colours, and a slightly quirky touch that’s quintessentially Japanese.

Kiko’s+ toys are widely very popular and appreciated and these educational games are also useful to introduce children to sorting colours and shapes at a very young age.

Kiko+ is available at Anna Ka Bazaar.


Dongri is the traditional game of spinning top ( A set of 3 Tops).

gatcha gatcha

GachaGacha is a cute wooden shapes dispenser that will stimulate the imagination of your little ones. Candies, beads? Whatever it is, by pressing the grey star, colourful shapes will fall from the transparent ‘bubble’ case! Wow! 


It’s a playset, but one with a good amount of style. This set uses a magnetic chalkboard, which allows the iconic landmarks to stay in place, as well as being a place to draw those roads (or anything else that takes your child’s fancy).

kiko hamburgerset

The amburger set is a cute and playful wooden musical instrument that looks like fast food. The hamburger is a castanet, the potato is a maracas!


With a wooden serving plate, cloth crepes and yummy fillings, this Kiko+ crepe set will inspire little chefs to get creative in the kitchen. The wooden serving plate also doubles up as a menu, use the chalk to write today’s specials.