Guided by experienced facilitators, professional actors and or artists, Jardin d’acclimatation organises workshops for children age 3 and up. Learn how to bake chocolate cakes, Chinese calligraphy, gardening, make your own perfume…. They have so many different workshops that it even becomes hard to pick one. Some in French, some in English. Some with the parents and some without.
To give you some ideas;
L’Atelier de Cuisine
3 years and up
Why wait to be big to cook like a chef? Armed with real chefs, aprons tied, together you create the nicest recipes: cookies, macaroons, madeleines, gingerbread pancakes or waffles …
Atelier Gardening
3 years and up
Garderning for children, equipped with their gardening tools, they will learn digging, weeding, pruning, watering… From seed to plant, the gardeners are discovering the life cycle of plants. To reward their efforts, they go home with a plant in a pot they decorated themselves.
Theatre Workshop
3 years and up
Mime games, body language, costumes, makeup … Children learn the art of comedy with professional actors.
Atelier Musical
4 years and up
Dreaming of the West Side Story, they are in love Mary Poppins, it’s time they are introduced to the musical, singing, dance, tap and. Let the music play!
Click here to find out what’s going on in August and September.