From our stylists


When Alexander was little it wasn’t uncommon for me to find him standing on top of the toilet or making his way onto the coffee table. And he still love to climb on everything in sight.

When I looked after other people’s children, I developed an anxiety around bumps and bruises. After all, the goal was to return them to their parents in roughly the same condition as I got them. I often had my heart in my mouth as I watched children on playgrounds, praying that these childhood rites of passage wouldn’t happen on my watch.

Now I’m faced with the challenge of finding a balance between letting my own child learn from experience, and doing what I can to avoid knocked out teeth broken bones and stitches. I don’t panic over every cut and scrape anymore, but I’d be lying if I said I don’t look at Alexander’s favourite climbing thing in the playground and wonder if I’ll ever loosen up enough to let him climb as high as I did when I was little.

I don’t think this is an area where anyone can give too much advice (though a friend of mine once said, “When you have 5 children, sometimes its best not to even look!”).  There will be laid back parents and there will be cautious parents, and neither is right or wrong in my book.

So where do you fall on the scale?  Do you wish you were more laid back or more cautious?  Do you have a daredevil or does your child play it safe?

After visiting the library  earlier, Alexander found something to climb on! What a surprise…

Oh and btw can still enter this weeks Ruff and Huddle Giveaway (sponsored by Kidshop) pinned to the top of our Facebook Page

Climbing in Ruff and Huddle

Alexander is climbing in Ruff and Huddle’s sporty Sport Zip Hood with tri-colour zip, Tootsa MacGinty Slim Fit JeansOcra Desert boots and a Beau Hudson beanie.

Alexander in Ruff and Huddle

Ruff and Huddle

Climbing in Ruff and Huddle

Ready to go home

Time to go home! So let’s put on our coat! This Love Frankie Baseball Jacket is available here