I don’t think anything can prepare you for becoming a parent.
Before I had Alexander, I had visions of what my life as a mum would look like. A home straight out of a design magazine, hip furnishings and wooden toys. Children whose style was a perfect mix of bohemian chic and preppy cute. I even thought we would only eat homemade food.
Idealic to say the least.
As it turns out, children actually have their own opinions (who’d have thought) and on everything; clothing, food, home decor. I know that I’m lucky with Alexander, he’ll usually put on whatever I tell him to wear, but it can become a bit tricky when I have something in mind for a photo shoot.
“I don’t want to wear those shoes”, “Can I please wear my own shirt?”.
I love how some children seem to be instinctively drawn to mismatched clothing and clashing prints. But if I’m honest, I do like that children have their own fashion taste, even though it meshes from time to time with mine because it’s good to encourage children’s
Which means that when they decide to wear boots with shorts and a leotard over top, we’re going with it even if we can’t use the photo’s. And keep our fingers crossed they change their mind after a few minutes.
Last week I met Isis and her sister Reva whom both seemed keen to go outside and show me around the neighborhood in clothes I picked, but Isis decided to add some pink and glitter to her outfit and Reva.. Well she changed her complete outfit!
Get inspired!
The girls are getting dressed to take me for a walk, but little did I know. Before leaving the house Isis decided to she needed to add some pick to her outfit and her little sister Reva wanted to wear a completely different outfit!
Isis is wearing a T-shirt from Lile SADi combined with a skirt by Mayoral
All dressed, there we go! Maringe is wearing a bag from her own line, Maringe Amsterdam
Top Meow by Lile SADi for little urban adventurers combined with a handmade leather bag by Maringe Amsterdam and pretty flower skirt by Mayoral
Reva is just so much fun! Not sure if the restaurant was happy with her feeding sugar to the plants! Lol! Reva is wearing a dress by Elsy
Enjoying her apple juice
Love Reva’s Salt Water Sandals!
Sssst! Ready to play hide and seek!
Found you!
Such a pretty dress from Elsy worn by Reva
Sisters having fun
Cooling down