Kids Fashion


It started simply enough: with doe eyes and a grin. An innocent, spirited, ear-to-ear grin.

“Mummy?” my son whispered.

“Yes, Alexander?”

“Can we go to the pool? Pleeeeeeease.” He dragged out the word for what seemed like forever. Like he was suspended in time.

Of course, the first thing I did was check the time, because this mummy doesn’t swim when she is on holidays before 8.30 am. But the clock said it was already 8.45 am.

“Sure Alexander,” I told him. But we will have breakfast straight after.

And so, before long, we were getting dressed. Before long, we were all suited up.

As soon we got to the pool, my son was off. He shed his shirt and Birkenstocks in seconds and bounded toward the shallow end. But before heading in, my he turned back and said, “Mummy, see me? Watch me. Come play with me!”

“Okay,” I told him. “I’ll be right there.”

Because I would be. I didn’t want to disappoint. I set our beach bag down and laid out our towels. I kicked my slippers off and then I jumped in. Like, literally jumped in.

Because there are two types of people in this world: those get their hair wet and those who don’t. And me? Well, I definitely fall into the former category.

I jump first and ask questions later.

Don’t get me wrong: There’s nothing wrong with sitting in the pool or wading in the water. There’s nothing wrong with lounging on your towel or relaxing with a good book, either. Or with having a “no splashing” rule. (I mean, sometimes you need to protect your cut, your colour, or your do.)

But me? When I have the time to play — when my son asks me to play — I play. Hair be damned, I’m gonna play.

Because I want to enjoy life, because I want to live my best life, and because I want to be an active part of my son’s life.

Getting your hair wet is more than just an action, if you ask me — it’s a mantra. It’s an attitudeback, and spontaneous way of life. And when you get your hair wet, life just seems looser.

Everything seems lighter and easier.

So remember, while you may be worried about your appearance in the moment — while you may be worried about your thick thighs, your muffin top, and/or your messy hair — your children aren’t thinking about these things. Years from now, your children won’t even remember them; and neither will you. Instead, you will both remember the things you did. The games you played. The fun you had, and the amazing memories you made.

You will both remember the light, the life, the smiles, and the laughs.

So don’t waste your life sitting on the sidelines, mamas. Don’t waste your life fretting or worrying or living in fear.Live your life. Embrace your life. And please — get that hair wet.

Trust me, it feels amazing.

Shorts Alexander by Boboli.